LeFave Pharmacy’s BALANCE Wellness and Nutrition Program

Our mission is to improve your quality of life by helping you obtain and maintain health and wellness with our compounded natural hormone products. We promote a "whole health" environment where our specialized staff of health professionals are committed to personalizing your care to achieve symptom improvement and maintain balance.

    We want to help our patients enjoy a better quality of life by compounding biologically identical hormones for use in natural hormone replacement therapy.

    Because these hormones are identical in molecular structure to those made within the body, they do not cause unwanted side effects, nor are they associated with the long-term risks caused by synthetic hormones. We also specialize in over the counter (OTC) and non-drug recommendations and counseling to help achieve balance.

    In addition to providing customized hormone replacement, we also take an overall wellness approach to your care, which focuses on sex steroid hormones, thyroid, and adrenal function. Nutritional supplementation, diet and exercise recommendations are also provided with every consultation. Achieving hormone balance and symptom management involves a comprehensive approach addressing all of these areas.

    Our pharmacist, Dr. Kristine Spicer, specializes in hormone BALANCE and replacement and has been consulting women for many years. She is available as part of our BALANCE Wellness Program to provide you with the answers you are looking for as to why you are feeling out of balance.

    Hormones play a crucial role in regulating various functions in the human body.

    Take Control of Your Health with Hormone Replacement Therapy!

    Looking for more information?

    Check out our downloadable resources to find out more!

    Weight Management

    Testing Catalog

    Saliva Testing



    Adrenal Stress

    Patient Glossary

    New Patient Consult

    Follow-up for Existing Customers

    HRT Welcome Packet